Why Playing Fortnite Every Day Could Hurt Your Children’s Eyes

Why Playing Fortnite Every Day Could Hurt Your Children’s Eyes

Designed for children of all ages, Fortnite is a popular online game where players build forts and fend off zombie hordes. It is for the PlayStation, Xbox, personal computer, and even mobile devices. 

Video games, such as Fortnite, can be a fun way to relax after school, but they can also lead to vision issues in the long term.

So, why could playing Fortnite every day hurt your children’s eyes?

Why Playing Fortnite Every Day Could Hurt Your Children’s Eyes

Eye Strain

If screen time isn’t limited, playing Fortnite every day after school can lead to digital eye strain. For this reason, we recommend taking breaks in between games. 

Since Fortnite is available on several digital devices, it’s important to watch how long your child is playing. Children can become so absorbed in their games that they forget to stop. 

Eye Fatigue

When a child looks at a non-digital object, their eyes know right where to focus. However, video games are processed differently and can cause your child’s eyes to stay glued to the screen. This can result in eye fatigue.

Fortnite is also full of avatars, colorful imagery, and moving objects. When it comes to playing, a child’s eyes can focus on different objects every second. It can tire their eyes and make it difficult for them to concentrate. 

Eye Irritation

Children are also less likely to blink while playing video games,  causing eye irritation. It can also cause your child to get dry eyes. 

Make sure the child sits far enough away from the screen. If they’re too close, they may put too much pressure on their eyes, which can cause further health issues.

Summary: How does Fortnite affect your children’s eye health?

Fortnite is a great game for kids, but daily use can impact their eyes long after they’re done playing. It can cause digital eye strain, eye fatigue, and eye irritation. However, there are ways to reduce the impact:

  • Have your child sit six feet away from the TV screen.
  • Ask your child to take regular breaks.

While video games are fun and interactive, they can have consequences if there aren’t frequent breaks. Children need to step away from the screen for a bit, and then they can go back to building forts to defend their friends from zombie hordes.  


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