Tag: vision

  1. Is Sudden Brightness in Vision Normal?

    Is Sudden Brightness in Vision Normal? The ability to see light is a requirement for clear vision. If your eye lens takes on an abnormal form, your eyes can’t direct light to the retina, which can cause blurry vision. This is the case with many refractive errors, such as astigmatism.  While you need to process light to see, you might wonder if sudden brightness in vision is Read more...
  2. Do I Need Glasses for 20/30 Vision?

    Do I Need Glasses for 20/30 Vision? Is it ever challenging for you to see? If so, an eye exam is in order. One of the things your eye doctor will do is a visual acuity test. That will tell them–and you–if you need glasses. Let’s say you had 20/20 vision at your last eye exam. This is standard vision, which means that you could clearly say what most other people could at a Read more...
  3. What Does 20/30 Vision Mean?

    What Does 20/30 Vision Mean? The chances are you’ve heard about 20/20 vision. It’s what most people hope for when going in for an eye exam, thinking that if you have 20/20 vision, you have no eye problems and have no need for glasses. Contrary to popular belief, though, 20/20 vision doesn’t necessarily mean your eyesight is perfect. Technically, it’s the average Read more...
  4. How to Get 20/20 Vision

    How to Get 20/20 Vision Healthy eye habits are fundamental to great vision. We know you can’t always control how well you see, but caring for your eyes is essential to obtaining the best eyesight and general eye health. Wondering how to get 20/20 vision? Let’s first discuss what it means.   What 20/20 Vision Means If you see as well as the average person when Read more...
  5. What Are the Most Common Diabetic Eye Disease Symptoms?

    What Are the Most Common Diabetic Eye Disease Symptoms? Diabetes affects many parts of your life and body, including your eyes. Over time, this condition can cause diabetic eye diseases, which can lead to complete vision loss. While this may sound alarming, did you know that almost 50 percent of people in the U.S. aren’t sure if there are symptoms for diabetic eye diseases? That can make it difficult Read more...
  6. 3 Reasons to Go to the Eye Doctor

    3 Reasons to Go to the Eye Doctor The importance of eyes can’t be said enough. You use your eyes to see, learn, read, and experience all that life has to offer. Many health problems, such as diabetes, also show the first symptoms in the eyes, prompting you to seek treatment when necessary.  Going to the eye doctor is an excellent way to keep tabs on your eyes and ensure Read more...
  7. What to Ask During an Eye Exam

    What to Ask During an Eye Exam An eye examination is your chance to ask your eye doctor questions. So, why put it off? Our comprehensive optical evaluations are here to help you--and your eyes--and our team is ready to assist with your concerns.  Unsure of what to ask during an eye exam? Don’t worry. We put together a list of questions for eye doctors that you can choose Read more...
  8. My Eye Exam Is Tomorrow. What Should I Bring?

    My Eye Exam Is Tomorrow. What Should I Bring? Do you have an “eye exam near me” happening tomorrow? If your last eye appointment was over a year ago, it’s time to get your vision checked. And preparing for your appointment is an excellent way to make it go faster and more efficiently.    If you’ve been asking yourself, ‘What should I bring to my eye exam tomorrow?’, we Read more...

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