Starting At What Level of Prescription Should I Wear Glasses All the Time?

Starting At What Level of Prescription Should I Wear Glasses All the Time?

Understanding the different prescriptions and how often you should wear glasses can be confusing if you’re a first-time glasses’ wearer. Your eye doctor will let you know the frequency of when you should wear your corrective eyewear after your comprehensive eye exam.

However, if you’re curious about what to expect and have the question, ‘Starting at what level of prescription should I wear glasses all the time?’, we’re here to help. 

Starting at what level of prescription should I wear glasses all the time?

Eye doctors use a few different methods to determine your prescription. First, they will test your depth perception and visual acuity. These tests can help them determine the best prescription for your eyes if one is needed. 

But starting at what level of prescription should you wear glasses all the time? It depends on your overall vision. According to the American Optometric Association, the following levels of vision can indicate an issue that requires corrective eyewear:

  • 20/30 to 20/60: This means you may have a small vision issue, but your vision is almost normal. It’s unlikely you’ll need to wear glasses all the time. 
  • 20/70 to 20/160: This suggests that you have a more pressing issue with your vision. You may or may not need to wear glasses all the time. How often you should wear corrective eyewear will depend on your eye doctor.
  • 20/200+: This means you have a significant vision issue. You will most likely need to wear glasses all the time. Your eye doctor may also recommend specific lenses to improve your overall sight. 

After your eye doctor knows where your vision stands, they’ll place an order for your actual prescription. As a general rule of thumb, the lower your prescription is, the less likely it is that you’ll need to wear glasses all the time.

The optometrist will then help you select the best frames and be available to answer any questions you may have about wearing new eyewear, including how long the adjustment period is for different types of lenses. 

Summary: When is it necessary to wear glasses full time?

Are you still wondering, ‘Starting at what level of prescription should I wear glasses all the time?’ That depends on what your prescription is and what your eye doctor recommends after your eye exam. 

However, in general, the lower the actual prescription is, the less likely you’ll need to. You may only need your corrective eyewear for certain activities, such as reading or computer work. Again, this depends on your prescription. 

The best way to know if you need to wear glasses all of the time is to consult with your eye doctor about your prescription. They can help you decide on the best time to wear your glasses.


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