How do you put in your contact lenses? Follow these easy steps!

To ensure your contacts feel as comfortable as possible, it's essential you put in your contacts correctly. But what's the correct way, you ask? What things are worth watching out for? Naturally, it takes time and practice to perfect putting in your contact lenses when you first start using them. We've put together a selection of tips to make putting in your contact lenses a breeze.
Inserting contact lenses in 4 simple steps
1. Wash your hands thoroughly
Before inserting your contact lenses, it's vital you wash your hands thoroughly with unscented soap. After washing your hands, dry them with a clean towel that doesn't shed.
2. Make sure the lens is not inside out
Before inserting your lenses, make sure they are not accidentally facing the wrong way. How do you check this? Place the lens on the tip of your finger and see if the edges of the lens bend outwards. If they do, it will be inside out. Carefully flip the lens back.
3. Take the lens and spread your eyes
Ready to put your lenses in? Place the lens on the tip of the index finger of the hand you write with. Bend your head forward and try to focus on the lens itself. With your other hand, hold up your upper eyelid. Hold the lower eyelid down with the ring finger of your writing hand. Try not to blink!
4. Insert the lens correctly
Focus on the lens and bring the index finger that is holding it closer to your eye, right up until it slides in. It's important that the lens is in the middle of the eye and not in the white of your eye. Look up and down once and the lens will automatically end up in the correct position.
Still having some trouble putting in your contact lenses? It can help to place a mirror flat on the table. With this, you'll notice more detail, allowing your lens changing to become quickfire work.
Lenses not so comfortable?
It is possible that you have taken all the necessary measures, but still find them uncomfortable when it comes to the fit. This may be due to an air bubble under the lens, which can be remedied by holding your index finger in the middle of the lens and moving your finger back and forth. If your lenses are not comfortable, this may also be due to the fact there's dirt on your lens, or perhaps even a tear. Check your lenses thoroughly before you insert them, or clean them with some lens fluid solution.
Tips for wearing lenses
Of course, inserting your lenses is the first step. However, when you're looking to make them a more comfortable choice for day-long wear, be careful not to rub your eyes at all. In addition to this, make sure you lenses do not come into contact with tap water. That means no showering or swimming for those enjoying outside rays.
Switching out your contact lenses
In addition inserting your lenses, it's is also important that you remove your lenses from the eyes in the correct manner. We have described this process in detail in the article, 'Removing lenses: instructions & tips".
Need help? Our reliable experts are on hand to help you
Some people still have questions after reading the above tips and advice on inserting lenses. To speak to an expert, get in touch with our friendly team today to have your query handled in no time.