My Child Says His Glasses Hurt. What Do I Do?
Glasses can be a difficult adjustment for some children. And sometimes, children may say that their glasses hurt. If that is the case, you may be wondering how you can help. For Eyes is here to explain the right steps to take and what to do if your child says their glasses hurt. What to Do If Your Child Says Their Glasses Hurt Read more...
10 Things Parents Need to Know About Kids' Glasses
The day you find out your child needs glasses might feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. For Eyes is here to explain everything you need to know about selecting the best frames, lenses, and more. Here are 10 things parents need to know about kids glasses: #1 Thing Parents Need to Know About Kids' Glasses: Fit How should glasses Read more...
Can Children’s Eyesight Improve?
When your child gets glasses for the first time or if you suspect your child has poor vision, you might wonder if children’s eyesight can improve. A child’s eyesight is constantly changing, which is why we recommend yearly eye exams. Can children’s eyesight improve? Your child’s eyesight can undergo many changes over time. As an infant, Read more...
How Quickly Can a Child’s Vision Change?
A lot of parents wonder, ‘How quickly can a child’s vision change?’ The fact remains, a child’s eyesight can change at any time, often unrealized by you or your child. Since good vision is integral to a child’s academic success and general health, it’s important to keep tabs on signs that your child’s vision is changing.  Read more...
Is My Child’s Vision Getting Worse?
Has your child been having trouble seeing ever since they started school? Do you suspect they might need glasses? If so, have no fear! Today, we’ll cover one of the top questions eye doctors get asked (“Is my child’s vision getting worse?”) so that you know what to look for and what steps you can take. Let’s get started! Is my Read more...
5 Signs That Your Child Needs Glasses
How do you know if your child needs glasses? This question is something most parents ask themselves. If you’re concerned about your child’s vision, there are many signs that your child needs glasses. Here’s what you need to know: #1: Squinting or Closing One Eye Your child may squint a lot at objects far or near to clear up images. Read more...
What Do I Need to Know About Video Games and My Child’s Eyes?
Most children love a good game of Fortnite or Call of Duty. However, too much screen time can come with some negative side effects. One of the most common conditions associated with excess screen time is digital eye strain (aka computer vision syndrome). And believe it or not, but both kids and adults are at risk! So, “What do I need to know Read more...
What Is Included in a Child’s Eye Exam?
If your child is due for a visit to the eye doctor, you may be wondering what is included in a child’s eye exam. By understanding the basics of what will happen, you can help your child overcome any anxiety associated with going. It will also help put you at ease because it is necessary for children to have regular eye exams. Why is it important Read more...
How Should Glasses Fit on a Child?
The best way to ensure glasses fit well is to bring them into an optical store. However, if you order your glasses online or don’t live near a store, that may not be an option. Eyewear that is ordered online often needs to be resized to ensure a comfortable, custom fit. A cozy fit is even more critical for a child, who will be less likely to wear Read more...
How Could Blue Light Be Affecting Your Child’s Vision?
Exposure to blue light is inevitable for all of us, especially with the increased use of digital devices. With the amount of screen time our children consume each day, blue light could be affecting your child’s vision, too. Here are some facts about blue light and tips on how to protect your child’s eyes from it. What is blue light? Read more...