Eyeglasses Guide
What Are the Different Types of Lenses for Glasses?
You’ve found the perfect frames, but you now have to choose your lenses. You might be wondering what the different types of lenses for glasses are. Finding the right lenses for you is just as important as getting frames that fit your face and lifestyle. So, what are the different types of lenses for glasses? What are the different Read more...
What are the Best Eyeglass Lenses?
Shopping for frames is an exciting part of getting eyeglasses, but what about your lenses? The best way to know what the best eyeglass lens is for your lifestyle is to consider the material and protection level you need. Let’s take a look at some of the lenses we offer here at For Eyes to help you make your decision. Types of Optical Read more...
What Are the Best Styles for Men’s Eyeglasses in Winter 2020?
With winter coming up, you may be looking to make some changes to your look. Why not start with your eyewear? As someone who wears prescription lenses, you likely spend the majority of your waking hours in your frames, and they’re integral to your style. So, if you’re shopping for men's eyeglasses in Winter 2019, check out our Read more...
Are Glasses Supposed to Cover Your Eyebrows?
Shopping for frames can be stressful if you’re not sure how they should fit. Specifically, you might wonder if glasses are supposed to cover your eyebrows. The simple answer is no. Your eyebrows are a great way to express yourself, and your eyewear should never conceal them. So, where should your glasses fall in relation to your frames?& Read more...
How to Look Good in Glasses With Makeup
“You need to start wearing prescription glasses.” These words might be scary to a woman who loves wearing makeup, but there are many ways on how to look good in glasses with makeup. The next time you have a class or meeting to attend, here’s how you can look your best. How to Look Good in Glasses With Makeup Before you can know the Read more...
How to Choose Prescription Eyeglasses for Small Eyes
Contrary to someone with farsightedness, a nearsighted person may not have magnifying lenses, which can make the eyes appear smaller to someone looking directly into the eyeglasses. If this is you, you may be asking yourself how to choose the best prescription eyeglasses for small eyes. Follow these three simple steps to get started. How to Read more...
Should I Wipe the Fog off My Glasses With My Shirt?
It’s easy to reach for your t-shirt to clean your lenses if they are foggy or smudged. While this option for cleaning your glasses is convenient, it might not be the best way to clean your lenses. Should I wipe the fog off my glasses with my shirt? T-shirts contain cotton fibers that can scratch your lenses. Whenever you choose to Read more...
How Should Eyeglasses Fit With Your Eyebrows?
For many of us, our eyebrows are our most prominent trait. We spend a large portion of our makeup routine on defining our brows and highlighting our brow bone to create a new look that makes us feel most confident. As a new eyeglasses’ wearer, you may think you won’t be able to show off your brows anymore, but in reality, new eyewear can help Read more...
This Is When to Get Glasses for Reading
As we age, our eyesight changes, and it may become more difficult to read without moving a book or tablet closer. If you have to reposition your reading device to make it easier to see, you might wonder, ‘Do I need reading glasses?’ Clearing up images is a common reason to get reading glasses, but there are other ways to know when to get Read more...
How to Know When to Get Glasses for Astigmatism
If you are far or nearsighted, you may have an astigmatism, too. While the root cause of the vision condition is unclear, it can develop at as early as infancy and progress throughout your life. An astigmatism diagnosis is nothing to fear, and it’s simple to correct with prescription lenses. Let’s start by discussing what Read more...